Since I started this new adventure, made of words, songs, music, and color, one of the questions I have often been asked is
What are those numbers and letters on the United Colors of Naples posters?"
Et voilà :)
Poster United Colors of Naples Gix Musella Poster Napoli Songs
The speech could be long, it could get into extreme technicalities, but I will try, I will do my best to be quick, clear, and comprehensive.
The Letters: 𝗖 𝗠 𝗬 𝗞:
(𝗖) Cyan /
(𝗠) Magenta /
(𝗬) Yellow /
(𝗞) Key.
Ok for 𝗖; ok for 𝗠; 𝗬 is also fine but what the h*ll is 𝗞ey?
𝗞ey=(key: it is the term used in typography to define black to avoid confusion with blue for the first two letters and the B with a heck of a lot of other colors. According to others, it could instead refer to the last letter of BLAC𝗞.
Poster United Colors of Naples Gix Musella Poster Napoli Songs
The 𝗖 𝗠 𝗬 𝗞. it's simply a color method used both in painting and in modern offset printing.
Leaving aside, at least for the moment, that the 𝗖𝗠𝗬𝗞 color method is a "subtractive" one, the numbers next to the 𝗖𝗠𝗬𝗞 letters indicate the parts of the individual colors necessary to produce the final color.
For example, simplifying, a Full (or flat) Yellow color will be like this:
𝗖:0 / 𝗠:0 / 𝗬:100 𝗞:0;
beautiful Red:
𝗖:0 / 𝗠:100 / 𝗬:100 𝗞:0;
Holland-type Orange:
𝗖:0 / 𝗠:70 / 𝗬:100 𝗞:0;
A light, clean, sky blue:
𝗖:100 / 𝗠:0 / 𝗬:10 𝗞:0;
And so on.
The set of colors produced by a particular color method is called 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗨𝗧.
But this is another story :)
Have a nice day!



United Colors of Naples

Each Poster Artwork is unique

It is hand colored , sometimes we use silkscreen inks,
sometimes typographic, sometimes even chalcographic. Other times, even something else.
In short, we use anything suitable for printing.
We use a beautiful press, the occasional squeegee and lots of paint.
Then, we like beautiful, heavy, matte, even embossed cards.
Fedrigoni papers. Basic Watercolor 390 gr or Tintoretto 350 gr.

Free shipping

The poster artwork is created at the time of ordering: from the time of ordering, it takes 10 days for production. After that, the order will be packaged and shipped.

Shipping to Italy is free for any order.

Customer Service

Special Requests? A color you like, a sentence too long or simply some information? Write to us at 3921629364